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Screenshots » id:50615
Score: 8.42
Votes: 12
Classification Player » Sakurawr
Tags Ferine Quijotes +2
Date Submitted 2010-10-28 15:39:27
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Commentaires (7)
Bahamut.Sakurawr[Report] Score: 7
Hey I'm the group leader you :(
And we do it via setting 2 main jobs, and between me and Miaw we're the only one for jewels, since I was @ 2 he passed the 2 Cirein dropped.

And BST is a good job now and always has been D:
2010-10-28 16:37:19
Ramuh.Sagittario[Report] Score: 4
Miaw just got 1up'd!
2010-10-28 16:14:30
Cerberus.Valmur[Report] Score: 2
Did the same set up as Sakurawr picked 2 jobs for the mats and ended up with the 3 +2s had nothing to do with "running out of jobs" :@
2010-10-28 17:52:43
Cerberus.Superman[Report] Score: 0
Grats on the legs. i was wanting to wait and get full+1 before starting on +2 for my bst but having no luck with bst seals.
2010-10-29 09:31:13
Shiva.Khimaira[Report] Score: -2
2010-10-28 17:03:05
Odin.Zicdeh[Report] Score: -6
It's no Punisher OAT axe, but it's a start to being exceptional BST DPS.
2010-10-28 18:31:40
Ragnarok.Chimerawizard Montrer Score: -21
This means your group just ran out of jobs to give the +2 legs to now.
2010-10-28 16:20:42