Ranged weapon isn't Raider's just yet, most of the stuff I get is with friends since I can't stand point system End game shells.
The NQ Wep (the one that looks like Bone Knife) is Dakini, I'm working on finishing it atm, I'm on Flan trial.
I wear Aurore Boots because like the first comment said, I get stuff with my friends, not a linkshell so getting Ballerines or Homam is a little out of my reach until I can afford to merc.
And Sniper's ring is still good until +1, Toreador's, or Ulthaam's.
Edit: Title says Tarutaru need lovin' to because I actually play a tarutaru character, I just use plasticsurgeon windower app because I like the way stuff looks on Hume rather than taru.