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10/10 Chukwa Eggs, 20/20 Cuelebre Horns, 30/30 Daybreak Souls and... 2/10 Eyes. I Hate you Verthandi.
Score: 4.00
Votes: 10
Classification Player » Nususu
Date Submitted 2010-10-10 05:05:36
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Commentaires (8)
Leviathan.Draylo[Report] Score: 3
Good god, 30/30?? How the hell do you function with such little inventory space lol
2010-10-10 13:59:12
Asura.Nususu[Report] Score: 1
I only currently have one job leveled, so that makes it easy to save space. also 80 inv and 80 satchel.
2010-10-10 18:33:23
Bahamut.Aeronis[Report] Score: 0
OAT dagger for a battul brd Q_Q
2010-10-10 21:04:52
Sylph.Vaskel[Report] Score: 0
dam... i feel bad... I got mine... i just need 30 souls. I had to 2 box my Colorful to Yellow.. then i just get like 8 people to kill her... 12 times... if she had a better ring you'd have your eyes sooner... GL
2010-10-10 17:05:34
Siren.Aytac[Report] Score: 0
You have mail.....
2010-10-10 15:15:41
Leviathan.Jesterking[Report] Score: 0
Think he was commenting on the fact his Mog Locker is only 30 spaces and completely full.
2010-10-10 15:27:48
Leviathan.Catnipthief[Report] Score: 0
Edit: You're right Jesterking, my mistake xD

Yeah that is such a tiny bit of space >.>
2010-10-10 15:31:24
Cerberus.Ultimatrunks[Report] Score: 0
I was 10/10 20/20 30/30 and 50/50 Increscent Shades like.... a month before I got my Verthandi Eyes....
A tip: Get 1 healer 1 tank/dd and shout for yellow abyssites. Lots of people have them thanks to Urd Trials for Masamune ^^ took us 2 hours to get 10(11 actually)
2011-01-06 11:06:08