I had 200k worth of meds including hi-elixirs, yagudo drinks, and persikos au lait. I was selling Joyeuse for 1.5m so that more than covered the 200k I spent on meds. Yes that last spell in my status bar is phalanx.
I made no mistake, I meant level 75.
Joyeuses sold for 1.5m back in 08/09.
Here's a thread I created about this in August of 09 - http://forums.ffxiclopedia.org/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=22030
@ Mahayaya You may of been talking about my picture. I like this SS tho, props man. it's something I've wanted to do for a while, I've known it was possible, maybe even at 75. Grats tho^^