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Screenshots » id:48585
Score: 7.39
Votes: 31
Classification Player » Sevourn
Tags banned, GM Jail, Mordian Gaol
Date Submitted 2010-09-06 16:59:09
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Commentaires (13)
Bismarck.Logik[Report] Score: 34
They made full perle bannable for non drgs? Thank god.
2010-09-06 17:19:56
Carbuncle.Sevourn[Report] Score: 10
Karbuncle got it right, both gearwise and about the reason i got jailed. sorry to disappoint, elanabelle. for someone who claims to want clean, friendly forums, you seem to go around leaving a lot of *** comments on a lot of pics.

it's kaiser, not koenig :p, and i'm still around to use it
2010-09-07 02:46:36
Asura.Karbuncle[Report] Score: 4
Full Perle is fine for Homam Jobs who don't have Dusk +1, for a Melee/Idle build anyway.

also, Its not even absolute best for DRGs, since DRG Relic Body+1 haste Haste+2% Pushing it 2% Ahead of full Perle.

However, Full Perle is still great for DRK and PLD as well, Since they do not have access to Byakko's Haidate, Full Perle offers them the same Haste Values as their other best options (homam/Wal/Dusk/etc) as well as a large boost to several useful stats, including STR, DEX, ACC, ATK and to a (much) lesser extent VIT/DEF. I mean for PLD you'll still be using Macros for say Enmity/Fast Cast (Homam Legs and maybe ACP Body), But its a solid Idle Build.

And Lastly, SE's Auto-jail system is a piece of ***, I was Jailed for "pos hacking" When i was afk for 12 hours standing in the same spot, sleeping IRL...
2010-09-07 01:14:06
Lakshmi.Naveyah[Report] Score: 3
fish botting?
2010-09-06 17:58:21
Asura.Daleterrence[Report] Score: 0
2010-09-06 18:17:04
Asura.Kortaru[Report] Score: 0
You should check your messages.
2010-09-06 18:43:41
Bismarck.Tuvae[Report] Score: 0
I love how this SS got turned into a gear blitz.
2010-09-07 07:15:20
Carbuncle.Heithem[Report] Score: -1
I feel you on the auto jail. I got jailed running to sandy and I lagged alittle and it hit me. game crashed and I logged back in jail.
2010-09-07 23:35:38
Siren.Enternius[Report] Score: -4
Full Perle gives just as much Haste as Turban/Homamx3, I don't see what the problem is.
2010-09-06 18:36:55
Cerberus.Kurosen[Report] Score: -7
Quick Run out that- Oh they sealed the enterance...cleaver GMs
2010-09-06 23:48:54