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Screenshots » id:48002
Score: 6.33
Votes: 15
Classification Player » Atreyus
Tags a3pic
Date Submitted 2010-08-26 02:52:07
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Commentaires (5)
Gilgamesh.Cardinalgate[Report] Score: 2
this was a great day for any Blu
2010-08-26 11:56:46
Shiva.Manic[Report] Score: 1
there always has to be one *** who leaves a comment talking ***
2010-08-26 14:30:07
Caitsith.Kittsune[Report] Score: 0
Oh man that's a really really good Dyna Tav run. Every time my group goes there we're just hoping for at least 1 piece to drop regardless of what it is. We still have a few people 3+ years waiting for one piece from tav to finish 11/11ing they're jobs. (Both are waiting for stingy bombs to put out)
2010-08-26 13:13:37
Ragnarok.Atreyus[Report] Score: 0
yeah was really a great run ^^:

Blu body
Rng feet
Mnk body
Sch body
Sch head
Cor head
Sam head
Mnk head
War-1 legs
Blu -1 legs
Smn -1 legs
Blu -1 legs
Blu -1 legs
Blm -1 legs
Brd -1 body
Dnc -1 body
War -1 body
Cor -1 body
Pup body
2010-08-26 14:14:07
Lakshmi.Naveyah[Report] Score: -7
I see a Paladin in Tavnazia..why?
2010-08-26 13:17:39