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Spharai and Ursine claws, capped at 80! 'Cause I can.
Score: 4.38
Votes: 16
Classification Player » Vyvy
Tags Spharai, MNK, Ursine claws
Date Submitted 2010-08-19 23:18:16
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Commentaires (6)
Quetzalcoatl.Kyrial[Report] Score: 8
Too bad you can't have one Spharai on your main hand and one Ursine Claw on the off hand. :P
2010-08-20 05:58:01
Phoenix.Oumura[Report] Score: 6
Footwork build using Poise Shoes.
2010-08-20 03:49:09
Odin.Takahishy[Report] Score: -1
Good job :)
2010-08-20 01:28:30
Ragnarok.Bador[Report] Score: -1
grats , now help me finish my spharai trial ; ;
2010-08-20 01:44:44
Shiva.Khimaira Montrer Score: -10
Cool story bro, 'Cause I can.
2010-08-20 00:58:14
Asura.Shiroineko Montrer Score: -10
nice amount of work you put into those =o relics in particular are a pain in the butt.

but on the other hand, you already put that much effort into the Spharai, why did you go for the lolUrsine claws instead of the +dmg kind?
2010-08-20 03:40:56