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Screenshots » id:47661
2003?? No! this is 2010! PARADOX
Score: 5.61
Votes: 23
Classification Player » Darkultima
Tags faf unclaim :o
Date Submitted 2010-08-17 10:48:37
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Commentaires (7)
Cerberus.Ethics[Report] Score: 9
i'm failing to see how this is paradoxical.
2010-08-17 14:06:20
Fenrir.Gradd[Report] Score: 3
Must be nice for Fafy to actually walk around instead of dying the instant he appears :<
2010-08-18 06:46:05
Bahamut.Zorander[Report] Score: -2
Even for Day1 this is strange..Faf still has awesome and useful drops compared to any other Non-HQ HNM.

Turtle and Behemoth are unwanted now-a-days...Turle and Behemoth day1~4 are lonely zones.
2010-08-17 17:21:44
Shiva.Khimaira[Report] Score: -4
Improper use of the word, none the less pretty strange to see him like this, though I fought a Khimaira that had been up for 18 hours unclaimed last night. lolHaute all you want, considering how camped it still usually is, it was strange.
2010-08-17 14:37:49
Leviathan.Ayrlie[Report] Score: -4
not only unclaimed, but nobody in the zone
2010-08-17 16:23:22
Asura.Serano[Report] Score: -5
Was Day 1 and MB was going after DI ~
2010-08-17 15:34:44
Carbuncle.Sharkycan[Report] Score: -6
My guess is that it is unclaimed?
2010-08-17 14:26:17