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An augmented Tower Shield from Abyssea - Konschtat.
Score: 5.45
Votes: 11
Classification Item » Tower Shield
Tags Tower Shield Augmented Shield Mastery
Date Submitted 2010-08-09 04:38:36
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Commentaires (5)
Bismarck.Rinomaru[Report] Score: 2
This reminds me of Diablo II for some reason.
2010-08-09 16:21:32
Asura.Karbuncle[Report] Score: 0
Shield Mastery is not 1Tp a block.

Its a set amount from what i can tell and changed based on the mobs Subtle Blow.

For instance Mandragora will give you ~3/4TP per shield block, while most mobs will give you 5-6TP a block.

That being said, Theres an item called "Adouber's Pavise" Which offer Shield Mastery +1, What it does is grant the job trait with all the benefits.

The most important being 100% Spell Interruption rate down when a shield block procs.

Now, how this is going to effect a PLD i can't say (For this Shield), But i think it'd be rather worthless for a DRK.

Still interesting seeing what one of the "Higher end" Augments on the shield are.
2010-08-09 16:09:15
Leviathan.Remoraforever[Report] Score: 0

You're def right, looks like an unidentified Sigon shield! FTW
2010-08-10 02:49:39
Titan.Dekadense[Report] Score: 0
We all know people True Strike during drk zergs.
2010-09-11 18:22:13
Midgardsormr.Renala[Report] Score: -4
Thats acually an intresting shield. I think it'd beat that one by alittle in drk zerg sets(, that is)

-6hp isn't that huge(or -11 if you have +1), and you get shield mastery which is 1 tp a block, which isn't often, but its still something
2010-08-09 13:31:11