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Ungur Solo Rdm/Nin~ Gratz Sphinxx On Boomerang^_^
Score: 4.85
Votes: 13
Classification Player » Average
Date Submitted 2010-07-29 23:12:06
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Commentaires (8)
Bismarck.Limitedx[Report] Score: 2
You guys saying TH for the boomerang..Ungur's Boomerang is 100% drop...
2010-07-30 12:47:52
Titan.Average[Report] Score: 1
She didnt hit for TH, she stood by and watched~ and reason she lol'd cuz probly "Ungur drops to the ground."
2010-07-30 09:26:01
Caitsith.Mahayaya[Report] Score: 1
Nothing to do with Treasure Hunter. THF just there so that the boomerang doesn't floor or auto-drop into Average's inventory.
2010-07-30 16:19:52
Midgardsormr.Renala[Report] Score: 1
If I'm mistaken, TH requares hate. That said, you can steal/mug it and get hate, then stand aside. I, perosnlaly, would consider that complete solo. Good job, he can be abit of a pain
2010-07-30 10:44:28
Cerberus.Alzeroth[Report] Score: -1
Last I checked it's a 100% drop anyways, so TH what?
2010-07-30 18:19:02
Titan.Sphinxx[Report] Score: -2
You guys are all idiots for thinking I was there for TH <3 Thanks for the boomerang, Average, was a fun day ^^b
2010-07-30 20:22:37
Alexander.Temaruma[Report] Score: -3
What was so funny?
I don't get it.
2010-07-30 02:45:41
Cerberus.Superman Montrer Score: -14
its not solo if 2 characters are there. even if all they did was hit it for TH4
2010-07-30 08:55:19