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Screenshots » id:45266
Score: 6.52
Votes: 21
Classification Player » Pilipinoboi
Tags Cursed Hauberk -1
Date Submitted 2010-07-04 19:17:55
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Commentaires (4)
Phoenix.Pilipinoboi[Report] Score: 8
Out of boredom, I decided to commission my friend in trying to HQ me a Cursed Hauberk.

I spent a total of 1.3M~ in mats to try 3 synths with an overstock of a few other mats for next time since there wasn't enough mats on AH to do more than 3 attempts today. Besides, I wasn't expecting an HQ right away anyway.

Fortunately, my friend HQ'd on the first synth making this a 1/1 Cursed Hauberk -1 attempt and also a 1/1 in my history of trying to get it made. :D

Talk about in-game fireworks for me for today's 4th of July eh? hahah.
2010-07-04 20:23:10
Quetzalcoatl.Dova[Report] Score: 4
That galka is holdin your arm like
"c'mere boi gimme dat haub"
2010-07-05 01:45:12
Bahamut.Foxxy[Report] Score: -1
2010-07-04 23:10:25
Phoenix.Dooom[Report] Score: -1
Holy crap, congrats!
2010-07-05 02:27:56