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Screenshots » id:44675
Score: 6.27
Votes: 15
Classification Player » Nyonah
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Date Submitted 2010-06-25 17:10:39
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Commentaires (1)
Lakshmi.Nyonah[Report] Score: 9
Determined about 1300 hp would be about what Cure 6 would recover based off a rough cure naked.

First cure is with 50% cure potency, 66 VIT, 117 MND, 305 Healing Skill (Uncapped).

Second cure is same stats, with the exception of having TW sing double MND etudes. Testing shows that 3 skill = 1 hp, vit = 1.7(?) or so, and thus making Cure pot>MND/VIT>Skill the mods in my opinion. Still haven't tested enm on it, becaus the pld in shell is 80 and uses PLD ability to enhance his flash for more enmity+ ._.; Lightsday test with obi/healing feather to come soon~
2010-06-25 17:17:28