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Screenshots » id:43846
Score: 4.17
Votes: 12
Classification Player » Phoenixtail
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Date Submitted 2010-06-12 14:24:09
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Commentaires (5)
Gilgamesh.Cardinalgate[Report] Score: 7
2010-06-12 18:13:47
Siren.Phoenixtail[Report] Score: 2
It's just a weird glitch I encountered in Sea one day. Was farming organs, cast utsu, PC froze up, and from there it got worse and worse until I logged off.
2010-06-12 15:45:15
Shiva.Darkshade[Report] Score: 0
That happens when your graphics card overheats.
2010-06-12 17:15:22
Alexander.Kasaioni[Report] Score: 0
Yea this happens to me like, every month or so. It's weird.
2011-02-23 11:02:04
Leviathan.Mistwolf Montrer Score: -10
besides messing with my eyes.. what's the point of this SS??....
2010-06-12 15:43:23