I have this baby, and it's a monster. Much better over time than Ultimatum except in Low Defense situations or if there is already a Defense-Down effect already. The Effect seems to ignore resistances, I managed to proc it on a VT Ice Elemental during a Blizzard in Beaucadine_S, so yah, Big congrats.
Proc rate is about 33% and duration is approx 40 seconds. Defense down is 10%, tested against a Nickle Quadav (EM) in Pashhow_S. A proc lowered it's defense by 51 points.
This might be a good choice over Ultimatum(105 DMG) depending on your situation. It lacks 5 DMG but by weakening the target's def, not only does it increase your damage but your parties/alliance as well. Here's hoping it procs often.
Just finished this scythe and wanted to correct some things said by Zicdeh after playing with it for 2-3 days. Proc rate IS very high around 33%, the duration seems to be exactly 30seconds no matter what I'm fighting, Limbus, Sky, Dynamis, Salvage whatever. Proc rate seems to stay the same too however would not land on a wind elemental. Seems to overwrite acid bolts so would guess more then a 10% def down effect (acid bolts are 12.5%). I don't have any numbers to back this up though just the fact it overwrites them. Definitely an excellent scythe for any drk and easy to quest. Took me around 3 days to finish.