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Screenshots » id:40546
Score: 7.81
Votes: 32
Classification Item » Antea
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Date Submitted 2010-04-27 01:20:11
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Commentaires (13)
Quetzalcoatl.Longarm[Report] Score: 3
Hey guys thanks a bunch for the comments! Here is a short video of the sword in action, sorry if the video quality isn't that great.
2010-04-27 17:16:47
Lakshmi.Naveyah[Report] Score: 2
Joyeuse doesn't have ***on BLU now.
2010-04-27 01:43:33
Odin.Blazza[Report] Score: 0
I'm incredibly jealous of all three of your shiny swords :/ What augments do you have on Concordia? (I would assume ws attack +, ws crit hit + and physical blue magic attack +, but what numbers?)

Two things though, 1: brutal earring is throwing off the numbers, so 40% is probably about accurate.
2: Why oh why does someone with such nice swords ruin it by tp'ing in AF+1 body -_-
2010-04-27 22:15:24
Unicorn.Liir[Report] Score: 0
2010-04-27 10:22:54
Siren.Rareex[Report] Score: 0
Can you make a video with this blade in action please?
2010-04-27 13:00:20
Asura.Sabishii[Report] Score: 0
Awesome dude, that's friggin' EPIC. Concordia, Kogglemander, and a full Antea. I'm so jealous.
2010-04-27 14:33:08
Diabolos.Ghlin[Report] Score: 0
ugly sword next to pretty sword. i like it.
2010-04-27 15:40:40
Leviathan.Vandheer[Report] Score: 0
Thats one nice sword. And BLU only becomes more invisible then they were specially if it does proc at 65%.
2010-06-12 14:20:35
Quetzalcoatl.Cloudxz[Report] Score: -1

Don't worry. Longarm just got a Mirage Jubbah today. :P
2010-04-28 01:33:37
Quetzalcoatl.Hete[Report] Score: -1
how often it proc for u?
2010-04-27 05:02:22