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Screenshots » id:36138
Score: 7.43
Votes: 7
Classification Player » Leostrife
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Date Submitted 2010-02-23 04:03:06
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Commentaires (1)
Alexander.Leostrife[Report] Score: -1
ISNM: Happy Caster (Blm/Rdm; Watersday) DOT method up and down the ramp. Stun while running past to avoid spells/TP moves, can use bind at the ends on Flan before it gets close to set up DOTs. Remember to start with Freeze II to save some time, and elemental DOTs do not break bind. Drain/Aspir seem to have no potency penalty; use Drain as your primary "nuke." No 2-hour or meds used. Can be done as (Rdm/Drk) using a similar method.
2010-02-23 04:44:49