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Screenshots » id:32657
Score: 4.92
Votes: 13
Classification Item » Fay Crozier
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Date Submitted 2010-01-08 11:24:29
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Commentaires (4)
Asura.Karbuncle[Report] Score: 2
Thats not half bad, I'm trying for a M.A.B Staff myself =0
2010-01-08 14:42:32
Fairy.Azulmagia[Report] Score: 2
@Averel: Nether Blast deals dark elemental damage, not literal ranged. L2knowstuffBEFOREyoupost.
2010-01-08 23:37:41
Diabolos.Heavenschild[Report] Score: 0
Since I play a "Physical Avatar" playing style on my Smn, there was no need for the MAB. I have 5/5 Avatar Physical Atkk and 5/5 Avatar Physical Acc Merits, and mainly use Garuda's Predator Claws for slashing dmg and Ifrit's Flaming Crush for blunt dmg etc.
2010-01-08 18:11:47
Ragnarok.Holyman[Report] Score: -2
Actually it's good , that's the maximum attack you can get on this staff .
If you just got MAB instead of spell interruption down , that would be hot , anyways Congratz .
2010-01-08 15:12:42