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Screenshots » id:32230
Score: 5.95
Votes: 19
Classification Item » Angel Skin
Tags ffxi screenshot FFXI Angel Skin Fail
Date Submitted 2010-01-01 08:00:20
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Commentaires (6)
Caitsith.Zabimaru[Report] Score: 5
ouch ; ;
2010-01-01 12:09:26
Phoenix.Smileybone[Report] Score: 5
I don't bot ._.; I just didn't know that if Quartermaster was on with only 1 person in the zone, items wouldn't sit in pool if you didn't have enough room.
2010-01-01 19:42:33
Siren.Requium[Report] Score: -2
lol @ averel.
fish bots are set up so it auto-attacks the mob for you.
2010-05-11 03:39:13
Cerberus.Phyrefly[Report] Score: -6
I'm sorry, but how does that happen? Stuff doesn't instantly drop to the floor if your inventory is full.
2010-01-01 13:05:58
Fenrir.Creepy Montrer Score: -12
Looks like someone had a full inventory while botting afk**
2010-01-01 17:40:47
Quetzalcoatl.Xedal Montrer Score: -12
Lolbot. XD
2010-01-01 14:07:30