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Screenshots » id:27704
Score: 3.40
Votes: 35
Classification Player » Inga
Tags Inga Playtime Marduk's
Date Submitted 2009-10-23 13:16:50
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Commentaires (8)
Asura.Subzorro[Report] Score: 7
lame +1
2009-10-23 15:47:05
Pandemonium.Liquidz[Report] Score: 3
Is there suppose to be a correlation between Marduk's shalwar and play time?

Grats anyway!
2009-10-23 13:52:27
Pandemonium.Bonlack[Report] Score: 2
Seeing as how if you make your own parties and what type of job you level you can attain 75 in a month that person is retarded. anyways grats on marduks to fellow BRD :)
2009-10-23 14:05:30
Fenrir.Bluthund[Report] Score: -2
congrats on sexy legs
2009-10-24 02:06:30
Midgardsormr.Eliniel[Report] Score: -2
We're in the same boat :P I've only been playing since around the same time and I maintain 6 75s, almost 100 cooking, and 450 merits. Grats on the marduk! It's def not useless, I'm working on it myself now too ^^
2009-10-23 18:16:30
Garuda.Wooooodum[Report] Score: -2
2009-10-24 08:03:04
Caitsith.Italionstalion[Report] Score: -3
Woopy? Maybe if you had a relic it would be special.
2009-10-23 19:45:56
Ragnarok.Inga Montrer Score: -10
I rarely log out, I started FFXI back in December of last year right around christmas, and someone in my LS made a comment how in under a year they don't see how I'm able to have 4 jobs 75, gear them decently and have gil to blow on "useless ***" as they put it lol.
2009-10-23 14:02:41