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Screenshots » id:25067
Score: 5.81
Votes: 31
Classification Player » Foxxy
Tags ffxi screenshot GM
Date Submitted 2009-09-10 15:11:40
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Commentaires (14)
Asura.Foxxy[Report] Score: 9
Not like i ment for this to be a racist thing just thought it was clever ... then had to wait 2 hours cuz shops hoilday to get new pearl and why they gotta warp me to jail couldnt it of been accomplished though /t so i didnt have to run back out to beaucedine
2009-09-10 15:45:00
Alexander.Miradj[Report] Score: 8
What's the difference between this and say "AbsoluteGenocide" which was on my server forever and a day? The KKK is offensive but genocide isn't? SE: you are giving the KKK way too much credit and your rules are *** ridiculous. If anyone is actually offended by this LS name, they won't make it long in the real world, that's for sure.
2009-09-10 16:01:15
Carbuncle.Praxus[Report] Score: 5
Wow, that's terrible. They should just let you rename it. It's really hard to get LS members back. And you don't even get a refund.
Well, good luck remaking.
2009-09-10 15:18:09
Gilgamesh.Lamech[Report] Score: 3
Watch out Tarutaru the KittyKatKlan is coming for yooooooooooooooou~
2009-09-10 20:01:43
Bahamut.Nightcrew[Report] Score: 3
@ Alexander.Miradj

has anyone reported that LS as offensive? someone most likely reported this one, not like GMs seek this stuff out.
2009-09-10 17:25:13
Ramuh.Sagittario[Report] Score: 2
this makes me want to punch SE
2009-09-10 15:39:58
Ramuh.Dasva[Report] Score: 2
2009-09-10 16:04:31
Bahamut.Valent[Report] Score: 2
I don't understand how they can issue you a warning for someone else being offended by their misinterpretation of your ls name. It's not like you did anything wrong or did anything intentionally.
2009-09-10 22:27:28
Kujata.Warplemona[Report] Score: 2
sweet jesus, even i called my limbus shell TribalGenocide.

well, remake the it KittyKatClan, can't *** noone for that i guess....
2009-09-11 01:06:55
Asura.Jesyvut[Report] Score: 0
This just goes to prove that using real people to govern a game, that are not governed themselves(GM's have nobody to answer to for their actions) is an inherent flaw in the system.
2009-09-12 09:29:11