Not like i ment for this to be a racist thing just thought it was clever ... then had to wait 2 hours cuz shops hoilday to get new pearl and why they gotta warp me to jail couldnt it of been accomplished though /t so i didnt have to run back out to beaucedine
What's the difference between this and say "AbsoluteGenocide" which was on my server forever and a day? The KKK is offensive but genocide isn't? SE: you are giving the KKK way too much credit and your rules are *** ridiculous. If anyone is actually offended by this LS name, they won't make it long in the real world, that's for sure.
Wow, that's terrible. They should just let you rename it. It's really hard to get LS members back. And you don't even get a refund.
Well, good luck remaking.
I don't understand how they can issue you a warning for someone else being offended by their misinterpretation of your ls name. It's not like you did anything wrong or did anything intentionally.
This just goes to prove that using real people to govern a game, that are not governed themselves(GM's have nobody to answer to for their actions) is an inherent flaw in the system.