3min46sec, solo run, buffed inside "normally" (like I didn't rush), had to dispel both tauri because of shell (so wasted time), 0 damage taken, no meds, 1M+ worth of drop, sup ?
Didn't record that run tho :p But got a 4min20 run I recorded up on youtube :)
It's a windower script and knowledge of the spell. It looks like he wrote the sleep script to cast the spell, /wait for half of it, then input /echo Yadayada. Another timed /wait, then /echo 30/20/10s, or whatever.
Once you execute a windower macro, it won't be interrupted like SE macros would be. So the macro continued counting down the remainder time for Sleep even while he was casting/gear swapping.
Anyways, congrats on your win, and good job. :) Now prepare to listen to some Non-windower QQ'ing though.