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Screenshots » id:22412
Score: 4.39
Votes: 23
Classification Player » Ventia
Date Submitted 2009-08-02 03:07:56
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Commentaires (8)
Bahamut.Bojack[Report] Score: 7
There's 1 more person in the party with them for sure. Not saying it wasn't solo'd tho...could have been just another person in the pt doing nothing.

1. Despot drops at least 18k. 9k each if 2 people.
2. Despot is 80-82. At it's lowest level (80), solo would get you 280. I assume in this case he was level 81. Base XP would be 320 and 75% each is 240 for both people.
3. Also the stuff going to the treasure pool, lol.

But yea, it could have still been solo'd, and if it was then awesome ^^. Or maybe the point of the SS wasn't for anyone to assume it was solo'd. Either way, good stuff ^_^
2009-08-02 17:08:22
Bahamut.Raenryong[Report] Score: 2
Bungie has such ego issues.
2009-08-02 18:39:28
Shiva.Qotori[Report] Score: 1
Bungie reminds me of the kid in class who demands attention for doing nothing spectacular. Like the bottom feeder who is where he is because people carried him, and whenever attention is pulled from him he goes all crazy emo baby wuss and tries to tear everyone else down around him. Then when mom calls him upstairs for lunch he is probably mean to her too. Don't be mad little boy, sometimes people post pictures for their real friends, not AH trolls like you champ ^^b

Well done Ven, wish I was there for the goodness!
2009-08-21 10:22:14
Shiva.Ventia[Report] Score: 1
My boyfriend was in the party with me at the time but yes I did solo it. He was there to help with placeholders~ :3
2009-08-02 22:29:32
Shiva.Xellith[Report] Score: -2
most likely she had her bf in the pt just watching case she got into trouble so he could claim it and kite it till she was ready again.

Far as im aware she soloed it completely. shes one of my friends lol
2009-08-13 04:22:00
Asura.Chareos[Report] Score: -3
Don't mean to nitpick, but if it was solo'd, why didn't the items drop straight to you? Unless you've got more in pt... TH for gem? =P
2009-08-02 15:57:56
Siren.Sleepyweasel Montrer Score: -12
Looks like a SS of them solo'ing it on COR, which is a little better than solo'ing a colibri
2009-08-02 15:52:25
Siren.Bungie Montrer Score: -24
gay, might as well post a ss of u killing a *** colibri.
2009-08-02 15:47:05