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Screenshots » id:18384
Score: 4.97
Votes: 38
Classification Player » Chubisubi
Date Submitted 2009-05-31 07:11:19
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Commentaires (6)
Ramuh.Miemo[Report] Score: 8
Ppl sure are nice to eachother >.>

Grats on O-Hats fellas!

also @Etrayis - before judging out other ppl's gear you may want to upgrade your own. Seeing as the Best piece in your equip history is the lolGallant Surcoat.
2009-06-01 03:24:57
Bahamut.Reith[Report] Score: 4
*Sigh*.. It's very typical for the normal *** to lolfail at trying to make fun of people who don't have good gear. It's rather sad..
2009-06-01 13:03:58
Ramuh.Ardath[Report] Score: 0
lol give the drg's time, I hope they get better gear, espcialy since the one has sky and sea...><
2009-06-01 03:32:32
Ramuh.Ragni[Report] Score: 0
grats :)!
2009-06-01 19:49:09
Alexander.Meeeeeep Montrer Score: -16
Yay for purple PLDs and gimp DRGS
2009-05-31 14:26:49
Bahamut.Etrayis Montrer Score: -20
OMG It's a pld! I was staring at this SS for like 10 minutes wondering what could possibly wear such shitty gear. =D
2009-05-31 15:16:54