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Screenshots » id:15193
Score: 6.12
Votes: 26
Classification Item » Mirke Wardecors
Date Submitted 2009-04-13 09:10:11
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Commentaires (6)
Bismarck.Aluus[Report] Score: 9
I'll put it in melee terms. For Ranged Attacks, Snapshot+5=Haste+5%. This, combined with Zha'Go's Barbut, Jalzahn's Ring, and capped Snapshot merits will have you firing off a Hellfire like it's a shortbow in assault.
2009-04-13 17:12:24
Shiva.Artemicion[Report] Score: 4
Excellent choice for full time RNGs if you ask me. Ranged accuracy is cheap and in plentiful supply in many other slots. You can always use AF, Pahluwan or Kyudogi for Barrage.
2009-04-13 14:49:54
Phoenix.Topher[Report] Score: 1
Best setup for RNG!!! End of story
2009-04-14 13:34:03
Phoenix.Kristiania[Report] Score: 0
I guess if you want a free Kyudogi, you can get this. But with Ranged Attack +10 and Snapshot, this is easily the best TP Body piece out there. Combined with with Snapshot Merits and Quick Draw merits; you'll be firing like a fiend.

Besides, our +48 inherent Accuracy Traits says lolRangedAccuracywut?
2009-04-13 20:40:45
Titan.Heavensangel[Report] Score: -2
If the augment is anything like the merit, then snapshot = -2% in delay so snapshot +5 would mean -10% in delay. Personally, I would rather have R. accuracy and snap shot since I don't like the fact of missing any arrows, bolts or bullets. I'd rather be hitting mobs for slightly less damage than to be throwing money away. Plus, I have multiple other jobs, don't want to fill my mh with other pieces just to swap in if Mirke is enough to wear full time.
2009-05-01 20:50:05
Pandemonium.Kajidourden Montrer Score: -10
I'm a bit skeptical about this augment, it seems to be the general direction RNG are going but wouldnt Racc and Rattk be better full-time body? This way you have the Racc from other body pieces and the modifiers from K-osode, plus some Rattk.
2009-04-13 16:08:39