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Screenshots » id:13306
Score: 7.33
Votes: 70
Classification Player » Kiaru
Date Submitted 2009-03-10 15:16:47
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Commentaires (6)
Midgardsormr.Kiaru[Report] Score: 0
Everything but the eyes are true of what my character looks like, I used blue to have them pop out better than brown would. Frysia is basically correct on how this was made. I don't use AV, but instead just screenshotted a pose I liked then outlined and shaded with pen and pencil. Then I took it to PS for coloring and filters.
2009-03-10 18:41:13
Garuda.Pastor[Report] Score: -1
@ Alexanderofodin

obviously not all you would see is a LM-17
2009-03-10 19:10:20
Seraph.Bachola[Report] Score: -1
Wow well made

NIce work :)
2009-03-11 10:29:59
Caitsith.Buttons[Report] Score: -4
Love this drawing Kiaru. ^-^
2009-03-10 17:59:27
Garuda.Derf Montrer Score: -10
Obviously not Jackyl: No Aegis or Burtgang! Plus, Jackyl didn't have blue eyes.
2009-03-10 17:23:48
Pandemonium.Alexanderofodin Montrer Score: -15
this a drawing of Jackyl? if it is its pretty good
2009-03-10 16:28:23