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Screenshots » id:12926
Score: 8.12
Votes: 17
Classification Item » Soboro Sukehiro
Date Submitted 2009-03-03 14:37:38
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Commentaires (4)
Odin.Blazza[Report] Score: 11
I'd be much more impressed if it weren't for the horrible Utsusemi macro <.<
2009-03-03 20:03:34
Shiva.Artemicion[Report] Score: 2
Close call, but impressive duo! Congrats on your Soboro~
2009-03-03 15:25:52
Quetzalcoatl.Scwall[Report] Score: 0
Velderin brought me a few reraise earrings and poked it for TH2. I sac'd about 20k exp using Drain and Bio II to whittle the Unstable Cluster's HP to death.

It doesn't aggro at all, cast right infront of it each time. This ensured I did not ever aggro clusters inside the tunnel.
2009-04-05 20:31:52
Caitsith.Surreal[Report] Score: 0
grats and nice job xD
2009-03-03 15:36:36