Frandre - Valefor

Langues: JP EN DE FR
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PM Valefor.Frandre

Historique des prix (25)
Water Crystal x12Dec. 17, 2024FrandreCcv1,000
Scroll Of Battlefield ElegySep. 12, 2024FrandreZeton30,000
Chunk Of Eschite OreAug. 20, 2024FrandreValetea200,000
Icarus WingAug. 2, 2024FrandreCoocooaa10,000
Vile ElixirJul. 29, 2024FrandreHamuzu3,000
Hi-elixirJul. 28, 2024FrandreBalt10,000
Tropical Crepe x12Jul. 27, 2024SittingbullFrandre35,000
Tropical Crepe x12Jul. 27, 2024SachisanFrandre33,000
Tropical Crepe x12Jul. 27, 2024SachisanFrandre33,000
Tropical Crepe x12Jul. 27, 2024SachisanFrandre34,000
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