Vladamir - Titan

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PM Titan.Vladamir
Windurst 5 | Heir of the Great Earth

Historique des prix (25)
Heavy Crossbow +1May. 1, 2011VladamirDirty50,000
StaurobowApr. 30, 2011AluteiciaVladamir70,000
Lesser Chigoe x12Apr. 30, 2011VladamirSylvian165,000
Lesser ChigoeApr. 29, 2011VladamirPoehly15,000
Lesser ChigoeApr. 29, 2011VladamirPuggie14,500
Lesser ChigoeApr. 29, 2011VladamirPuggie14,500
Lesser ChigoeApr. 29, 2011VladamirPuggie14,500
Moth AxeApr. 25, 2011SinoeVladamir5,000
Scroll Of Curaga IVApr. 18, 2011VladamirNinjafoot50,000
High-quality Buffalo HornApr. 17, 2011ChanceVladamir1,500
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