Aogai - Sylph

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PM Sylph.Aogai

Historique des prix (25)
Douma Weapon's ShardSep. 14, 2017AogaiArmandan30,000
Scroll Of Poison IIMay. 27, 2017AogaiLobee43,000
Scroll Of Utsusemi: NiApr. 30, 2017AogaiMarimomihgo20,000
Soil Geode x99Feb. 13, 2017KieriAogai150,000
Ice BeadJan. 29, 2017MakosanAogai10,000
Chunk Of Light Ore x12Jan. 29, 2017CoishinAogai100,000
Chunk Of Earth OreJan. 29, 2017YagoolAogai15,000
Gold Ingot x12Jan. 29, 2017TumimiAogai140,000
Gold Ingot x12Jan. 29, 2017NimlithAogai140,000
Gold Ingot x12Jan. 29, 2017ViaAogai140,000
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