Tame - Siren

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PM Siren.Tame
We're no strangers to love, you know the rules -- and so do I. A full commitments what I'm thinkin' of, you wouldn't get this from any other guy.

Historique des prix (200)
Battle StaffJan. 26, 2008TameConvict3,000
Flask Of Holy Water x12Jan. 26, 2008SimatoraTame5,000
Mahogany PoleJan. 25, 2008EllyriaTame5,000
Amemet MantleJan. 25, 2008BananTame4,000
Bone MittensJan. 25, 2008TameSew1,000
Battle StaffJan. 25, 2008AlminaTame4,000
High-quality Crab ShellJan. 24, 2008TameCyobi5,000
Sprig Of Fresh MugwortJan. 24, 2008TameMod1,000
Earth Crystal x12Jan. 24, 2008TameKuniyasu500
Earth Crystal x12Jan. 24, 2008TameDrevianthief500
Commentaires (5)
Siren.Tame[Report] Score: 1
I have a Taru mule, his name is Rickroll. He's looking for a good time.
2007-10-16 15:07:51
Siren.Pedobear[Report] Score: 2
Does he enjoy candy? :3
2007-10-16 15:40:07
Siren.Ramzaxii[Report] Score: 1
2007-10-21 17:31:07
Siren.Miyokonami[Report] Score: 1
I am a blu, I just have other jobs too hah :P
2010-02-17 15:24:46
Siren.Vagustae[Report] Score: 0
Never gonna give you up.
2010-04-23 19:38:40
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