Vernis - Shiva

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PM Shiva.Vernis

Historique des prix (25)
Jug Of Cloudy Wheat Broth x12Sep. 21, 2013VernisOsim14,000
Platinum IngotSep. 21, 2013VernisNaiia3,000
Platinum IngotSep. 21, 2013VernisNaiia3,000
Scroll Of Blizzara IISep. 21, 2013VernisMisakero6,000
Eihwaz RingSep. 12, 2013GattVernis2,000,000
Vial Of Dragon BloodSep. 3, 2013VernisHmx1,000
Water BeadSep. 3, 2013VernisHmx1,000
Pair Of Faithful's Legs IISep. 3, 2013LazaVernis90,000
Yorcia Visage IISep. 3, 2013RossweisseVernis110,000
Mythril IngotSep. 1, 2013VernisMurol5,000
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