Goromatu - Phoenix

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PM Phoenix.Goromatu

Historique des prix (25)
Platinum IngotOct. 4, 2013GoromatuSarakuya6,000
Fourth Division GauntletsOct. 2, 2013GoromatuVmc10,000
Red Curry Bun x12Sep. 30, 2013BubuoGoromatu200,000
Metasoma KatarsSep. 20, 2013GoromatuAmyithe20,000
Imperial Bronze Piece x99Sep. 16, 2013GoromatuNinjie20,000
Bihkah SwordSep. 9, 2013DesuyoiiGoromatu30,000
Vial Of MercurySep. 7, 2013GoromatuMizuri500
Vial Of MercurySep. 7, 2013GoromatuBerylstone500
Coeurl Sub x12Sep. 7, 2013RefusalGoromatu15,000
Akua SaintiSep. 5, 2013AethirGoromatu10,000
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