Aramos - Pandemonium

Langues: JP EN DE FR
users online
PM Pandemonium.Aramos
Windurst 10 | Tiamat Trouncer
10 10 10
Zilart The Last Verse
Promathia The Last Verse
ToAU Eternal Mercenary
Assault Second Lieutenant
Altana Crossroads of Time
Campaign Mythril Star
C.Prophecy A Crystalline Prophecy (Fin.)
M.KupoD'etat A Moogle Kupo d'Etat (Fin.)
S.Ascension A Shantotto Ascension (Fin)
Smithing 60
Clothcraft 2
Alchemy 70
Woodworking 5
Goldsmithing 0
Leathercrafting 4
Bonecraft 41
Cooking 11
Fishing 4
war 40 MNK 9
WHM 75 BLM 75
RDM 75 THF 75
PLD 20 DRK 39
BST 22 BRD 75
RNG 75 SAM 67
NIN 37 DRG 75
SMN 75 BLU 29
COR 75 PUP 4
DNC 21 SCH 22
Exp total
Niveau total
Exp total
Jobs Maat
Exp pour le Maat Cap
Reliques (75)

Historique des prix (2)
Troll VambraceMar. 15, 2010SolegacyAramos1,000
Imperial Mythril PieceMar. 15, 2010KabapuAramos3,000
Commentaires (7)
Pandemonium.Tamoa[Report] Score: 0
<3 blog
2009-11-24 11:46:37
Pandemonium.Ironguy[Report] Score: 0
<3 the man behind the blog
2009-11-25 04:11:13
Caitsith.Glubit[Report] Score: 0
Lol dude your blog is hilarious.

Im an australian and I think that its gross just having that anna person be in the same country as me. /vomit.
2009-12-03 09:58:49
Pandemonium.Machiaveli[Report] Score: 0
I enjoy your blog sir lol good job ! new post when :D ?
2009-12-03 15:16:23
Pandemonium.Aravol[Report] Score: 1
Dont know you personally but your blog is friggin hilarious bro. Thats what i like to see. Nice proof against Izildur and his B.S. People like him is why i have never done any endgame. Take care LOL
2009-12-20 20:51:53
Asura.Izilder[Report] Score: 0
OWNED ***. <3 the man behind the BAN - another Nirvana *** bites the dust! Haters Hate - true story.
2010-05-06 17:08:39
Asura.Tamoa[Report] Score: 0
Izi, you're nothing but a sad excuse of a grown married man with an e-GF and an inferiority complex. Oh and for the record, you and your linkshell suck. Go back to botting your kings. Oh wait, you're even failing at that atm lol.
2010-05-10 05:49:08
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