Sez - Odin

Langues: JP EN DE FR
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PM Odin.Sez

Historique des prix (25)
Scroll Of Stone IIIOct. 8, 2018SezPinochet40,000
Scroll Of Stone IVOct. 7, 2018SezPoipoh30,000
Flask Of Holy Water x12Sep. 27, 2018SezUwatsuyu9,000
Jar Of Umbril OozeAug. 28, 2018SezDalee1,140
Silver Ingot x12Aug. 25, 2018SezFafnirs28,000
Silver Ingot x12Aug. 25, 2018SezFafnirs28,000
Pulse Cell: MkAug. 14, 2018SezStormytwilight10,000
Silver Ingot x12Aug. 14, 2018SezKoured30,000
Mythril BellAug. 9, 2018SezKurrama15,000
Platinum Ingot x12Aug. 9, 2018SezIeno200,000
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