Lizzy - Midgardsormr

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PM Midgardsormr.Lizzy
San d'Oria 10 | Paragon of Dragoon Excellence

Historique des prix (25)
Moliones's SickleMar. 21, 2010LizzyEgg390,000
Scroll Of Curaga IVMar. 20, 2010LizzyDeathstar10,000
Pro-ether +1Mar. 20, 2010LizzyKearu10,000
Feyweald LogMar. 20, 2010LizzyNimrod1,000
Scroll Of SacrificeMar. 20, 2010LizzyMichaelis3,000
Manticore HideMar. 20, 2010LizzyMeifon1,000
Beetle HarnessMar. 20, 2010FootmarkLizzy6,000
Handful Of Darksteel Bolt HeadsMar. 20, 2010LizzyHani600
Spool Of Gold ThreadMar. 19, 2010LizzyMat9,000
Crab ShellMar. 19, 2010LizzyMirii500
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