Shenya - Leviathan

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PM Leviathan.Shenya

Historique des prix (25)
DuskcrawlerDec. 12, 2020ShenyaFuminory100,000
BarbarityDec. 7, 2020ShenyaSupernads100,000
Tension Spring VDec. 6, 2020ShenyaRuva60,000
Footshard: GEOOct. 23, 2020ShenyaMarrinn1,800,000
Scroll Of Holy IIOct. 15, 2020ShenyaTeravian30,000
Moonbeam CapeFeb. 1, 2020ShenyaIrsa3,000,000
Gracile GripDec. 2, 2019ShenyaMicherre400,000
Ethereal SquamaDec. 1, 2019ShenyaQuemono500,000
Scroll Of Blizzard IVMay. 31, 2019ShenyaLinkseven100,000
Auto-repair Kit IVMay. 18, 2019ShenyaSuljin100,000
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