Rushiru - Kujata

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PM Kujata.Rushiru

Historique des prix (25)
Imperial Bronze PieceMar. 10, 2010AirkRushiru300
Beetle Knife +1Mar. 4, 2010RushiruMugen10,000
Slice Of Coeurl Meat x12Feb. 28, 2010AnakinRushiru7,000
Slice Of Coeurl Meat x12Feb. 28, 2010AnakinRushiru7,000
Slice Of Coeurl Meat x12Feb. 28, 2010TootsieRushiru7,000
Wind Crystal x12Feb. 21, 2010KaglaRushiru500
Behemoth HornFeb. 21, 2010HashieRushiru8,000
Behemoth HornFeb. 21, 2010LofRushiru8,000
Angel Skin OrbFeb. 17, 2010RushiruPipiro138,000
Behemoth HornFeb. 17, 2010TomoyoRushiru8,000
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