Tallotte - Gilgamesh

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PM Gilgamesh.Tallotte

Historique des prix (25)
MurdererMay. 7, 2011TallotteFairxx30,000
Shihei x99May. 7, 2011AltiumTallotte9,000
Warwolf BeltMay. 6, 2011TallotteJacer30,000
Archer's KnifeMay. 5, 2011TallotteInukaisan6,000
Acantha ShaversMay. 5, 2011TallotteRyuseii30,000
Precise BeltMay. 5, 2011TallotteAstaroth20,000
Amemet Mantle +1May. 5, 2011TallotteRexas10,000
Elemental TorqueMay. 5, 2011TallotteHarthneel6,000
Pot Of Silent OilApr. 27, 2011TallotteSufhi2,000
Pot Of Silent OilApr. 26, 2011TallotteTiviant2,000
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