Shimo - Gilgamesh

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PM Gilgamesh.Shimo

Historique des prix (25)
Brass JadagnaMay. 7, 2011ShimoSugixx50,000
Hoard RingMay. 7, 2011ShimoShibazuke12,000
Naiad's LockMay. 7, 2011ShimoRodrges20,000
Perle HauberkMay. 6, 2011ShimoManaca13,100
Sisyphus FragmentMay. 6, 2011ShimoKorolin190,000
Versa HauberkMay. 6, 2011ShimoBadasasin100,000
Shihei x99May. 6, 2011KatchanShimo100,000
SyrinxMay. 5, 2011DriverShimo10,000
Scroll Of Huton: NiMay. 4, 2011RaptorusShimo5,000
Scroll Of Katon: NiMay. 4, 2011HyiperionShimo8,000
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