Shefirof - Gilgamesh

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PM Gilgamesh.Shefirof

Historique des prix (25)
Hermes' SandalsJan. 1, 2011NeifamShefirof1,500,000
Aqua GeodeJan. 1, 2011ShefirofNiu1,000
Ebon HarnessJan. 1, 2011KuioShefirof400,000
Arhat's GiJan. 1, 2011FunkateShefirof30,000
Arhat's JinpachiJan. 1, 2011CeazuShefirof30,000
Spiral RingJan. 1, 2011TerronShefirof140,000
Breeze GeodeJan. 1, 2011ShefirofAltis10,000
Pot Of Silent Oil x12Dec. 31, 2010LeglockShefirof12,000
Pot Of Silent Oil x12Dec. 31, 2010LeglockShefirof12,000
Karakul SkinDec. 30, 2010EsuteruShefirof1,000
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