Barivert - Fenrir

Langues: JP EN DE FR
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PM Fenrir.Barivert

Historique des prix (25)
Crocea MorsJan. 13, 2022PhilipBarivert60,000,000
Petrified LogJan. 11, 2022BarivertLapy6,000
Chunk Of Gold Ore x12Jan. 10, 2022BarivertSethimothy15,000
Square Of Damascene Cloth x12Jan. 10, 2022BarivertReyra90,000
Petrified Log x12Jan. 9, 2022BarivertPepewan30,000
Square Of Raxa x12Jan. 8, 2022BarivertLavigneee100,000
Chunk Of Mythril Ore x12Jan. 8, 2022BarivertDuranosuke12,000
Lancewood LogJan. 7, 2022BarivertKomax20,000
King TruffleJan. 4, 2022BarivertSoraman3,000
Chunk Of Darksteel OreJan. 2, 2022BarivertMineo3,000
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