Aarozel - Fenrir

Langues: JP EN DE FR
users online
PM Fenrir.Aarozel
Bastok 6 | Orthrus Decapitator
Some Circumstantial Evidence Is Very Strong, As When You Find A Trout In The Milk
6 1 10
Zilart Ark Angels
Promathia Dawn
ToAU Nashmeira's Plea
Assault Superior Private
Altana Cait Sith
Campaign Bronze Ribbon of Service
C.Prophecy Those Who Lurk in Shadows (III)
M.KupoD'etat Drenched! It Began with a Raindrop
S.Ascension A Shantotto Ascension
Smithing 52
Clothcraft 10
Alchemy 100
Woodworking 13
Goldsmithing 51
Leathercrafting 2
Bonecraft 21
Cooking 31
Fishing 0
war 95 MNK 42
WHM 99 BLM 99
RDM 22 THF 37
PLD 27 DRK 41
BST 20 BRD 10
RNG 30 SAM 40
NIN 52 DRG 99
SMN 20 BLU 91
COR 31 PUP 10
DNC 34 SCH 16
GEO 1 RUN 16
Exp total
Niveau total
Exp total
Jobs Maat
Exp pour le Maat Cap

Historique des prix (100)
Orichalcum RingJan. 23, 2019LeasyaAarozel100,000
Light Crystal x12Jan. 23, 2019SonniedAarozel5,000
Bottle Of Hallowed WaterJan. 23, 2019HujikaAarozel110,000
Flask Of Holy Water x12Jan. 23, 2019CelebyAarozel3,000
Orichalcum RingJan. 23, 2019JurryAarozel100,000
Saida RingJan. 23, 2019PujoAarozel30,000
Scroll Of Teleport-YhoatJan. 2, 2019IamtrystanAarozel50,000
Scroll Of Teleport-AltepJan. 2, 2019TemptaruAarozel50,000
Spool Of Cotton Thread x12Apr. 2, 2014AarozelRangedhunter2,000
Imperial Gold PieceApr. 1, 2014AarozelItchi40,000
Commentaires (2)
Fenrir.Lariel[Report] Score: 0
Grats on 100! ^^
2009-04-07 13:56:29
Fenrir.Jillijilli[Report] Score: 0
Congrats Aaro!
2009-04-17 19:56:14
Screenshots (5)