Sonoka - Fairy

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PM Fairy.Sonoka
San d'Oria 7 | Paragon of White Mage Excellence
Excuse me...But..ur face i want to bite it..i sowwie i cannot help it. ur face makes me wanna but i still luvz u >^.^<
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Historique des prix (15)
Sheet Of Bast ParchmentMar. 13, 2010SonokaJunzi1,000
Square Of Wool ClothMar. 12, 2010SevenstersSonoka3,500
Square Of Ram LeatherMar. 12, 2010PulomSonoka2,500
Mythril IngotMar. 12, 2010OooSonoka4,500
TurquoiseMar. 12, 2010SoodSonoka5,000
Black Tiger HideMar. 12, 2010SonokaProserpina1,000
Sheet Of ParchmentMar. 8, 2010GrayphantomSonoka2,000
Jar Of Black InkMar. 8, 2010SpartakusSonoka1,200
Mythril SalletMar. 6, 2010SonokaMacon5,000
Gold BeastcoinMar. 5, 2010SonokaRokka5,000
Commentaires (2)
Fairy.Blackmist[Report] Score: -1
idk' who's??
2010-01-19 15:02:07
Fairy.Lanzor[Report] Score: 0
/casts for you. Mwhahahahahaha!!
2010-01-19 19:31:13
Screenshots (4)