Oniell - Fairy

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PM Fairy.Oniell
Bastok 6 | Cardian Tutor

Historique des prix (25)
Toolbag (shihei)Mar. 21, 2010ZyunoOniell4,500
Square Of CiliceMar. 19, 2010FiercelaOniell4,100
Green RockMar. 18, 2010OniellElwynn2,000
SpearMar. 18, 2010JestzonaOniell4,000
Mythril IngotMar. 18, 2010OniellKalisto5,000
Light AxeMar. 18, 2010OniellEtoile1,000
Plate Of Squid Sushi x12Mar. 17, 2010RaidoOniell12,100
BattleaxeMar. 17, 2010TechlifeOniell8,000
Viking AxeMar. 17, 2010StarflareOniell20,000
Brass SpearMar. 17, 2010PuxpuxOniell2,200
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