Nangongwentian - Fairy

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PM Fairy.Nangongwentian
San d'Oria 8 | Mog House Handyperson

Historique des prix (25)
Griffon HideJul. 26, 2009NangongwentianKohky8,000
Chunk Of Gold OreJul. 26, 2009NangongwentianJezna8,000
Hi-potion +2Jul. 26, 2009NangongwentianMasaza1,000
Pinch Of Prism Powder x12Jul. 24, 2009HaileeNangongwentian7,300
Pot Of Silent Oil x12Jul. 24, 2009MatziNangongwentian5,800
Plate Of Sole Sushi x12Jul. 24, 2009AkiakiNangongwentian24,100
Hatchet x99Jul. 23, 2009NangongwentianSeodoa7,000
Sickle x99Jul. 23, 2009NangongwentianSeodoa8,000
Hatchet x99Jul. 23, 2009NangongwentianFefan7,000
Sickle x99Jul. 23, 2009NangongwentianFefan8,000
Commentaires (2)
Fairy.Kyarutaru[Report] Score: 0
^_^! Grats on Amano!
2009-04-18 01:27:05
Fairy.Nangongwentian[Report] Score: 0
Thanks Kyarutaru, for lending me the last 3000 coins :)

And thanks to my LS Genesis. Would not have been able to achieve it without everyone's help! You guys are the best <3
2009-05-18 08:16:06
Screenshots (4)