Yzzerdd - Cerberus

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PM Cerberus.Yzzerdd
San d'Oria 10 | Behemoth's Bane
PM me to set up a time to buy stuff; will buy up to 300 gugrusauri at once, and will tip 2 mil to the fisher that supplied the saber shoot containing fish.
1 1 10
Zilart The Last Verse
Promathia The Last Verse
ToAU Finders Keepers
Assault Superior Private
Altana In the Name of the Father
Campaign Bronze Ribbon of Service
C.Prophecy The Echo Awakens
M.KupoD'etat Smash! A Malevolent Menace
S.Ascension That Which Curdles Blood
Smithing 3
Clothcraft 0
Alchemy 10
Woodworking 23
Goldsmithing 38
Leathercrafting 2
Bonecraft 0
Cooking 100
Fishing 100
war 99 MNK 16
WHM 2 BLM 99
RDM 76 THF 7
PLD 0 DRK 87
BST 99 BRD 99
RNG 99 SAM 99
NIN 99 DRG 0
SMN 0 BLU 99
COR 49 PUP 1
DNC 60 SCH 0
GEO 99 RUN 99
Exp total
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Jobs Maat
Exp pour le Maat Cap

Historique des prix (10)
Scroll Of TemperAug. 2, 2017YzzerddInfernaltoaster20,000
B.E.W. PitaruJul. 28, 2017FrejaYzzerdd10,000
B.E.W. PitaruJul. 28, 2017PasyulienaYzzerdd10,000
Imperial Wootz Ingot x12Jul. 28, 2017RiruYzzerdd90,000
Nepote BellJul. 28, 2017SoonYzzerdd5,000
Star SapphireJul. 28, 2017EsckeyYzzerdd30,000
Cehuetzi PeltJul. 28, 2017FyadidiYzzerdd880,000
Gravewood LogJul. 28, 2017YzzerddKell100,000
Scroll Of FrazzleJul. 28, 2017PantapontaYzzerdd50,000
Scroll Of FiraJul. 28, 2017ComznYzzerdd20,000
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