Xikeroth - Caitsith

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users online
PM Caitsith.Xikeroth
San d'Oria 10 | Grand Greedalox
war 50 MNK 33
WHM 81 BLM 46
RDM 85 THF 45
PLD 75 DRK 41
BST 22 BRD 43
RNG 38 SAM 38
NIN 85 DRG 68
SMN 75 BLU 81
COR 31 PUP 20
DNC 41 SCH 42

Historique des prix (25)
Handful Of Scorpion Arrowheads x99May. 8, 2011KukumuXikeroth21,000
Serving Of Bison SteakMay. 8, 2011BartXikeroth8,000
Serving Of Bison SteakMay. 8, 2011KyrjeXikeroth8,000
Sairui-ran x99May. 8, 2011CueXikeroth10,000
Sairui-ran x99May. 8, 2011CueXikeroth10,000
Square Of Griffon LeatherMay. 8, 2011InutiyoXikeroth70,000
Square Of FoulardMay. 8, 2011AcslaterXikeroth60,000
Angel Skin OrbMay. 8, 2011AiredaleXikeroth20,000
Angel Skin OrbMay. 8, 2011AiredaleXikeroth20,000
Molybdenum IngotMay. 8, 2011ZadaneXikeroth10,000
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