Ryunuke - Caitsith

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PM Caitsith.Ryunuke

Historique des prix (25)
Scroll Of Raise IINov. 5, 2008RyunukeLemago6,100
Scroll Of Valor Minuet IVNov. 5, 2008RyunukeVannessa4,500
Scroll Of Valor Minuet IVNov. 5, 2008RyunukeLunren4,500
Scroll Of Raise IINov. 4, 2008RyunukeCoppelia6,100
Gold Beastcoin x12Nov. 4, 2008RyunukeSyakira42,000
Mythril BeastcoinNov. 4, 2008MeneshisuRyunuke1,000
Mythril BeastcoinNov. 4, 2008MieuRyunuke1,000
Darksteel IngotNov. 4, 2008ImhotepRyunuke10,000
GosheniteNov. 4, 2008KerkerRyunuke2,700
Square Of Silk ClothNov. 4, 2008OlekkRyunuke3,500
Commentaires (1)
Caitsith.Crouchingtiger[Report] Score: 0
So Ryu how come for the last 3 months u are in ssg behind ornamental door 24/7? Do u not work? All i see you do is farm, farm farm in the same spot Rmt? please give us a reason. I belive its called Monster Hording.
2008-10-26 16:23:35
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