Kelowelo - Caitsith

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PM Caitsith.Kelowelo
Bastok 8 | Bearer of the Eight Prayers

Historique des prix (25)
Toolbag (shihei) x12May. 6, 2011OboronKelowelo112,000
Meat Mithkabob x12May. 5, 2011InoyumeKelowelo4,500
Jar Of Black InkMay. 5, 2011MantoKelowelo2,000
Pot Of Silent Oil x12May. 4, 2011MinishuKelowelo15,000
Reraise EarringMay. 2, 2011LiferiaKelowelo36,109
Scroll Of Aero IVMay. 1, 2011BucnastyKelowelo250,000
Meat Mithkabob x12Apr. 30, 2011SyuritaruKelowelo4,500
Earth Crystal x12Apr. 30, 2011TudderKelowelo1,000
Wind Crystal x12Apr. 30, 2011AtonKelowelo4,000
Wind Crystal x12Apr. 30, 2011AtonKelowelo4,000
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