Blyght - Caitsith

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PM Caitsith.Blyght

Historique des prix (25)
Flask Of Holy Water x12Jan. 9, 2011KatattuBlyght16,000
Quint SpearJan. 8, 2011AilisBlyght395,000
Audumbla HideJan. 8, 2011BlyghtYoshikun50,000
Audumbla HideJan. 8, 2011BlyghtSuiren50,000
Ichi-anJan. 7, 2011ValkynazBlyght150,000
Elephas AxeJan. 3, 2011BlyghtLapis400,000
Qirmiz TathlumJan. 3, 2011MozuBlyght100,000
Wind CrystalJan. 3, 2011LuscioussBlyght500
Wind Crystal x12Jan. 2, 2011NekattaBlyght3,000
Wind Crystal x12Jan. 2, 2011AsanumanBlyght3,000
Commentaires (1)
Caitsith.Cyana[Report] Score: 0
Found you =P Remember, if you see any fugly icky WHMs to hold onto your gil tightly! xD *hugs* Hope those guys treat you good B.
2011-01-15 11:31:06
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